If you have any problem or query relating to your work as a councillor. If there is anything you think would make the job easier. If there is any help or support we could give you. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
National Association of Councillors Northern Ireland Region Bradford Court, Upper Galwally, Belfast, BT8 6RB t: 028 9181 9413 e: office@nac-ni.org
t: 028 9181 9413 e: office@nac-ni.org
NAC NI AGM October 2020
If you have any problem or query relating to your work as a councillor, if there is anything you think would make the job easier, if there is any help or support we could give you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
National Association of Councillors Northern Ireland Region Bradford Court, Upper Galwally, Belfast, BT8 6RB t: 028 9181 9413 e: office@nac-ni.org
NAC NI AGM October 2020