If you have any problem or query relating to your work as a councillor. If there is anything you think would make the job easier. If there is any help or support we could give you. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
National Association of Councillors Northern Ireland Region Sketrick House Jubilee Road Newtownards BT23 4YH t: 028 9181 9413 e: office@nac-ni.org
t: 028 9181 9413 e: office@nac-ni.org
Community Empowerment Presentation – February 2022 To view the presentation on Community Empowerment which was delivered at the NAC UK Conference in Glasgow on 25-27 February 2022, please click here.
Emergency Planning & Resilience Presentations - June 2022
To view the presentations on Emergency Planning & Resilience which were delivered at the NAC UK Conference in Southport on 24-26 June 2022, please click below: NAC Community Resilience NAC Emergency Preparedness Part 1 NAC Emergency Preparedness Part 2
Advice NI Presentation - August 2022 To view this presentation, which was delivered to the Partnership Panel, and covers the current Cost of Living Crisis please click here
Local Government Pension Scheme New Regulations – April 2022 In December 2021 the NAC provided a detailed response to a consultation held by the Department for Communities on the Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2022. The Regulations were made on 24 March 2022 and came into operation from 18 April 2022 and the Department has published the Synopsis of Responses and Departmental Response to the consultation, this can be viewed at- https://www.communities-ni.gov.uk/consultations/consultation-draft-local-government-pension-scheme- amendment-regulations-northern-ireland-2022
Causeway Coast & Glens Women’s Working Group Presentations – July 2022 At the NAC NI Region Members’ Meeting held in Coleraine on 20th July 2022 presentations were delivered by Causeway Coast & Glens Women’s Working Group Chair and Vice Chair, Councillor Leanne Peacock and Alderman Michelle Knight McQuillan. To view Cllr Peacock’s presentation please click here
Legitimate Presentation January 2022 At the NAC’s Members Meeting Hub on 26 January, an informative presentation was provided by the founders of Legitimate, Caoimhe and Gerard. This was followed by a Q & A session. To view the presentation please click here. Legitimate are a Belfast based company that have spent the last 18 months developing an on-line platform, with the aims of helping to combat disinformation, and reducing the ability for people to troll or publicly post negative comments on your articles or content. They have been funded by Invest NI technology grants to date and have tailored their resource for journalists and politicians who they feel seem to be a focal point for online abuse.
NAC NI Region Outcomes Report January 2023 The NAC NI Region Conference “The NAC at 30 years, Defining Our Positive Future” took place in Cookstown on Tuesday 27 September 2022. A report has been compiled from this event which includes the input by NAC Members, and this will form the basis for the NAC NI Business Plan for the future. To view this report please click here.
If you have any problem or query relating to your work as a councillor, if there is anything you think would make the job easier, if there is any help or support we could give you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
National Association of Councillors Northern Ireland Region Sketrick House Jubilee Road Newtownards BT23 4YH t: 028 9181 9413 e: office@nac-ni.org
Community Empowerment Presentation – February 2022 To view the presentation on Community Empowerment which was delivered at the NAC UK Conference in Glasgow on 25-27 February 2022, please click here.
Emergency Planning & Resilience Presentations - June 2022
To view the presentations on Emergency Planning & Resilience which were delivered at the NAC UK Conference in Southport on 24-26 June 2022, please click below: NAC Community Resilience NAC Emergency Preparedness Part 1 NAC Emergency Preparedness Part 2
Advice NI Presentation - August 2022 To view this presentation, which was delivered to the Partnership Panel, and covers the current Cost of Living Crisis please click here
In December 2021 the NAC provided a detailed response to a consultation held by the Department for Communities on the Local Government Pension Scheme (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2022. The Regulations were made on 24 March 2022 and came into operation from 18 April 2022 and the Department has published the Synopsis of Responses and Departmental Response to the consultation, this can be viewed at- https://www.communities- ni.gov.uk/consultations/consultation -draft-local-government-pension- scheme-amendment-regulations- northern-ireland-2022
Local Government Pension Scheme New Regulations – April 2022
Causeway Coast & Glens Women’s Working Group Presentations – July 2022 At the NAC NI Region Members’ Meeting held in Coleraine on 20th July 2022 presentations were delivered by Causeway Coast & Glens Women’s Working Group Chair and Vice Chair, Councillor Leanne Peacock and Alderman Michelle Knight McQuillan. To view Cllr Peacock’s presentation please click here
Legitimate Presentation January 2022 At the NAC’s Members Meeting Hub on 26 January, an informative presentation was provided by the founders of Legitimate, Caoimhe and Gerard. This was followed by a Q & A session. To view the presentation please click here. Legitimate are a Belfast based company that have spent the last 18 months developing an on-line platform, with the aims of helping to combat disinformation, and reducing the ability for people to troll or publicly post negative comments on your articles or content. They have been funded by Invest NI technology grants to date and have tailored their resource for journalists and politicians who they feel seem to be a focal point for online abuse.
NAC NI Region Outcomes Report January 2023 The NAC NI Region Conference “The NAC at 30 years, Defining Our Positive Future” took place in Cookstown on Tuesday 27 September 2022. A report has been compiled from this event which includes the input by NAC Members, and this will form the basis for the NAC NI Business Plan for the future. To view this report please click here.